Monday, March 19, 2007

Snowy Day

One day I woke up at 7'o clock. I looked outside like I usually do. This time I looked outside the weather was different. Not at all the same. Today it was snowing! I quickly brushed my teeth and went downstairs for breakfast. I had tasty pancakes loaded with syrup. After I was done with my yummy breakfast I went upstairs to take a bath. My bath was quick and warm. When I was done with my soothing bath I wore warm clothes. I wore warm mittens,a confy jacket,a big cozy hat,and finally my favorite boots. I went downstairs and told my mom I was going to play outside in the sparkly white snow. I walked outside and took some materials with me if I wanted to build a snowman. I first lay flat on the cold ground and made snow angels. After snow angels I wanted to build a snowman. I first got one big ball of snow,a smaller one and one more that was even smaller. Second I put biggest snowball to smallest. Next I got two rasins for the eyes and stuck them to the top of the first snowball. Then I got a carrot for the nose and stuck them to the middle of the first snowball of the snowman. After that I got lots of rasins and put them at the bottom of the first snowball on the snowman. Later I put two buttons on each of the leftover snowballs. To make the snowman look cute I added a scarf and a hat. My snowman was finished! After my snowman,I saw a weird thing on the ground. I wonderd what it was. Then I heard a bird. I watched the bird carefully. When it walked the same weird thing on the ground being made by the bird. Woohoo! Then I knew exactly what the weird thing on the ground was. It was a squirrel's footprint. I wanted to go sleding so I got my sled. I went to the top of a hill. I got on my sled and WHOOSH off I went. After the sled ride,the snowman,and the footprints I was beat. I went inside and my nice mom gave me refreshing warm hot chocolate. Finally I took a long nap.

Thursday, March 8, 2007


How do we know about dinosaurs and plants? The answer is in fossils. Fossils are what is left of animal or plant, but turned to stone. This is how fossils are made. First the animal that is dead falls to the bottom of a lake. Next the animals skin gets eaten by probably bacteria. Years and years pass. The animal gets covered with layers of mud. Soon the animal turns into stone and becomes a fossil. Fossils are usally found by people called paleontologists. Paleontologists are people that find and study fossils. But the falling into lakes is not the only way fossils can be made. Sometimes mammoths or other animals from the Ice Age are frozen whole. That means animals from the Ice Age can freeze to death and still be found in their animal form. The only thing that has changed is that the creature can not move. Amber is also a thing that can make fossils. This is how it works. First a creature gets on a tree. Then sticky sap on a tree(amber) catches the animal and traps it inside the amber. Millions of years pass. The creature inside the amber will stay there forever. The amber hardens and tuns into a kind of fossil. Amber can be used for jewlery. Paleontologists use tools to help them get the fossils. The tools are picks, shovels,hammers,and brooms. When paleontologists try to get the fossil,they have to be very careful not to damage it. Putting the bones together is the hard part. Paleontologists have made many mistakes when they try to put the bones together. For example,once they thought a thumb claw on a Iguanodon's hand was a horn on its nose. Less than 200 years ago people did not know what dinosaurs were. They thought they were bones of a elephant. Fossils are great discoveries. They are still being found today. Someday you might be a great paleontologist.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Elliot the Elephant

There once was an elephant called Elliot. Elliot was a good elephant, except for one thing.That was his nose. Everyone made fun of his nose because it was very long. Elliot tried not to be sad but so many people made fun of him which bothered him a lot. There was only one animal that didn't make fun of him... Giraffe. One day Elliot went to Giraffe's house. Giraffe's mother told Elliot that when she was young, everyone made fun of her because she had a long neck, but she just ignored. The next day, Elliot went to school, and everyone made fun of him again. Elliot tried what Giraffe's mother did. He just ignored. When Elliot went home, his parents told him that everyone called them names when they were young. Elliot dreamed that nobody made fun of him. When he woke up, it was Saturday so he didn't have to go to school. Elliot got dressed and had breakfast. Elliot took a walk to get some fresh air. Then a boy started laughing at him. Then a whole group of children started laughing at him. A little kid saw what was happening. She felt bad for Elliot. She told everyone to stop laughing at Elliot. Everyone said"why do we have to listen to a little kid like you?" The little child replied"what if someone laughed at you because you had long ears, noses,or arms or any other problem?" The big children just walked away. Elliot thanked the little kid for her help. Just then people crowed together. Elliot went to see what they were all looking at. Somebody was stuck in a tree! Giraffe wasn't there so he couldn't reach the child. It was up to Elliot to save the small child. His long nose went up to the tree. Elliot grabbed the child and got him down. Everyone cheered and said they were sorry they called him names. Elliot was a hero!

I’m Scared of the Dark

I don’t know why but I’m scared of the dark. Every time I go upstairs I think that a monster will eat me up--even though I know it’s not true. I wish this fear will stop but it just won’t. Every day when I go to sleep I just can’t. I hope no one will figure my fear. If anyone finds out that I’m scared of the dark everyone will make fun of me. My parents don’t buy me a nightlight because it won’t do any good and my parents think that I’m old enough. They are going to tell me how they overcame their fear when they were young so I can use their ways to overcome my fear. Uh-oh I got a field trip form that we are going into a cave. I have to overcome my fear now. I’ll try to practice. Ok first my mom and dad have to come in my room. Now I have to get in my room. My mom and dad have to turn my lights off now. Ahh! I just can’t do it. The field trip is tomorrow. What shall I do? I guess I’m just going to have to live with it. Now I’m going to pack for tomorrow. First I will put a flashlight for tomorrow. Second I will put my homework in my backpack. Third I’m going to put my lunch in my backpack. Now I’m going to sleep. Today is the big day. First I get ready. Next I eat breakfast. Now I get in my car. First I’ll put my seatbelt on. DROOM DROOM! Okay now I get in my class line. Next the teacher will ask us if any of us have to use the restroom. Now we will get into the bus. Finally we get to the cave. First I will turn my flashlight on. EEKS! We are actually walking in a real cave. Ahh a monster! Phew that’s not a monster it’s a stalactite. Whoa bats. Oh-no! My flashlight battery is low! My flashlight battery is gone! I guess I’m going to have to walk through a cave without a flashlight. Cool are those fossils on the walls? My teacher said that we could only pick one rock from the ground. I chose a shiny one. Finally we are out of the cave. At last I’m safe at home, in the dark.