Monday, March 19, 2007

Snowy Day

One day I woke up at 7'o clock. I looked outside like I usually do. This time I looked outside the weather was different. Not at all the same. Today it was snowing! I quickly brushed my teeth and went downstairs for breakfast. I had tasty pancakes loaded with syrup. After I was done with my yummy breakfast I went upstairs to take a bath. My bath was quick and warm. When I was done with my soothing bath I wore warm clothes. I wore warm mittens,a confy jacket,a big cozy hat,and finally my favorite boots. I went downstairs and told my mom I was going to play outside in the sparkly white snow. I walked outside and took some materials with me if I wanted to build a snowman. I first lay flat on the cold ground and made snow angels. After snow angels I wanted to build a snowman. I first got one big ball of snow,a smaller one and one more that was even smaller. Second I put biggest snowball to smallest. Next I got two rasins for the eyes and stuck them to the top of the first snowball. Then I got a carrot for the nose and stuck them to the middle of the first snowball of the snowman. After that I got lots of rasins and put them at the bottom of the first snowball on the snowman. Later I put two buttons on each of the leftover snowballs. To make the snowman look cute I added a scarf and a hat. My snowman was finished! After my snowman,I saw a weird thing on the ground. I wonderd what it was. Then I heard a bird. I watched the bird carefully. When it walked the same weird thing on the ground being made by the bird. Woohoo! Then I knew exactly what the weird thing on the ground was. It was a squirrel's footprint. I wanted to go sleding so I got my sled. I went to the top of a hill. I got on my sled and WHOOSH off I went. After the sled ride,the snowman,and the footprints I was beat. I went inside and my nice mom gave me refreshing warm hot chocolate. Finally I took a long nap.