Technology Report
Technology is all around us. If you go to a restaurant, you can see the neon sign and the cash register, and the soda fountain, and the lights. Without technology, the world wouldn’t be the same. Technology is how the world has changed, and things that make life easier for us. There are many types of technology. For example, a light bulb is technology. Technology doesn’t always have to do with electricity or batteries. Fire is one of the greatest forms of technology. So are stone tools. Technology is basically everything that makes life easier for you.
Technology has changed our lives in many ways. Light bulbs create light for us to see. Computers help us find information on different topics. Fire creates warmth and light. There are so many different types of technology, which have all made our lives easier. Every day, you use one form of technology or the other. If you use a computer, ride a bike, or watch TV, you are using technology. There are hundreds of inventions and companies that have to do with technology. Nowadays, when you think of technology, you think of TV and laptops, and iPods. That’s common with most people since you were born in the time where technology has started to evolve. Most people usually think of the technology that there is when they are alive. For example, if you lived a hundred years ago, you would think as the phonograph, and the light bulb to be technology. The question is, how has technology evolved over the past centuries?
Stone tools were some of the first technologies. These tools were invented around 2,600,000 B.C. They were used for many different things. You must be thinking of hunting. And yes, stone tools were especially helpful with hunting. Usually they were used as arrowheads, or tips for spears. These were very useful when it came to hunting. The stone would dig into the flesh and would pass out or even kill the animal so it would be easy to cook the animal. Another use for stones was to create fires. If you had to create a fire, rocks would help in two ways. The first way was to create the spark, and the second way was to help with the base of fire. However, fire wasn’t discovered until several hundred thousand years later. Stone tools helped in many different ways.
The next useful invention was fire which was created around 1,420,000 B.C. Fire is actually one of the most useful forms of technology yet. This useful technology was discovered by mistake however. Lightning struck a few wooden branches that were gathered close together, and a fire was soon created. Fire was so useful because it helped cook food, give off heat, and create some light. Today however, there are many new uses for fire.
A long time later, from 7,000 to 4,000 B.C. many new technologies were invented. Weaving was discovered, and that helped make clothing, blankets, and other things that would help humans; most weaving was done to keep things warm. Musical instruments were also invented. This was mostly a recreational technology, but it raised the souls of many. Arithmetic was another helpful item which was made. Arithmetic helped financially, and educationally. These were a few helpful technologies that were invented from the years 7,000 to 4,000 B.C.
The next period of useful technology was from the years of 3,500 to 2,000 B.C. The wheel was invented in these years, and it is one of the six simple machines. Simple machines are also one of the most useful technologies. Wheels made it easier to move things a long distance, like carts which were used to carry goods such as vegetables, and other goods which people could purchase. Writing was also created in this period. This helped with multiple things, like writing down information, and with education.
650 to 30 B.C. was the next important technology period. Windmills were invented, and so were lighthouses to guide boats on foggy days. Books were also starting to get printed in these years. Thumbprints to show identity was also found in these years.
The next period of years which were 10 to 600 began the A.D. period. Paper was invented, and of course this was used to write on. So was drinking tea which people used to drink all the time. Matches were also created, and they were so useful because then people didn’t have to make one manually.