Showing posts with label courage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label courage. Show all posts

Saturday, March 3, 2007

I’m Scared of the Dark

I don’t know why but I’m scared of the dark. Every time I go upstairs I think that a monster will eat me up--even though I know it’s not true. I wish this fear will stop but it just won’t. Every day when I go to sleep I just can’t. I hope no one will figure my fear. If anyone finds out that I’m scared of the dark everyone will make fun of me. My parents don’t buy me a nightlight because it won’t do any good and my parents think that I’m old enough. They are going to tell me how they overcame their fear when they were young so I can use their ways to overcome my fear. Uh-oh I got a field trip form that we are going into a cave. I have to overcome my fear now. I’ll try to practice. Ok first my mom and dad have to come in my room. Now I have to get in my room. My mom and dad have to turn my lights off now. Ahh! I just can’t do it. The field trip is tomorrow. What shall I do? I guess I’m just going to have to live with it. Now I’m going to pack for tomorrow. First I will put a flashlight for tomorrow. Second I will put my homework in my backpack. Third I’m going to put my lunch in my backpack. Now I’m going to sleep. Today is the big day. First I get ready. Next I eat breakfast. Now I get in my car. First I’ll put my seatbelt on. DROOM DROOM! Okay now I get in my class line. Next the teacher will ask us if any of us have to use the restroom. Now we will get into the bus. Finally we get to the cave. First I will turn my flashlight on. EEKS! We are actually walking in a real cave. Ahh a monster! Phew that’s not a monster it’s a stalactite. Whoa bats. Oh-no! My flashlight battery is low! My flashlight battery is gone! I guess I’m going to have to walk through a cave without a flashlight. Cool are those fossils on the walls? My teacher said that we could only pick one rock from the ground. I chose a shiny one. Finally we are out of the cave. At last I’m safe at home, in the dark.